When: February 2nd 2019 – 1:00PM to 5:30 PM
Where: University of Calgary – Engineering Building – Room G 201 (G Block)
Registration: https://leadinggreen.com/calgary
Please join the Executive Director for a pint and some food to talk about the needs, questions, comments and concerns specific to LATs and/or Associates - No...
Please join the Executive Director for a pint and some food to talk about the needs, questions, comments and concerns specific to LATs and/or Associates - No...
Please join the Executive Director for a pint and some food to talk about the needs, questions, comments and concerns specific to LATs and/or Associates - No LA's...
The Water Act Approvals Pilot Project Team of Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) is pleased to announce the Phase 3 launch of the Water Act Approvals Pilot Project in the Environmental Approvals...
AALA 2018 Socials - Please make a donation to LACF, the event is FREE!
December 14, 2018 at 5:30
Venue opens to the public at 9:30pm
AALA 2018 Calgary Socials - Please make a donation to LACF, the event is FREE for Members.
Calgary - December 13 at 5:30 - Thank you to our Sponsors
Hello Colleagues, Community Partners and Connectors,
We are excited to share the opportunity for to hear from a international speaker, Tim Gill on the topic of child friendly urban planning and design.
Please join us for the public launch of Building Equality in Architecture Prairies (BEA Prairies) in Winnipeg, on September 26th from 5pm to 7pm, at the Tower Atrium at the Forks (1Forks Market Road).