Code of Ethics

Alberta Landscape Architects Code of Ethics


A landscape architect must conduct themselves in a professional, ethical and responsible manner.

Duty to public

A landscape architect must consider the health, safety and welfare of the members of the public who will use the landscape architect’s products and designs.

Duty to clients and employers

A landscape architect must provide a professional level of service to their clients and employers.

Duty to consider environment

A landscape architect must consider the stewardship, protection, preservation and enhancement of the natural environment.


A landscape architect must undertake only such professional work that the landscape architect is competent to perform by virtue of their training and experience.

Continuing education

A landscape architect must maintain and upgrade the knowledge and skills necessary to carry out their professional work.


A landscape architect must not place themselves in a conflict of interest with their client or employer and must disclose to the client or employer any situation where a conflict of interest exists or may arise.


A landscape architect must hold in confidence information obtained during the course of their work unless disclosure is permitted by the client or required by the Act, any other enactment or by order of a court.

Integrity of the profession

A landscape architect must refrain from engaging in any practices that detract from the professional image of the Association or its members.


Voluntary Code of Conduct for Invasive Species 


Project: Town of High Level Skate Path Park
Location: High Level, AB
Completed: 2012
Firm: Urban Systems Ltd.
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