Completed applications can be emailed to as a PDF(s) by September 20th .
The AALA is pleased to offer two annual scholarships ($2,000 total) to a student attending the NAIT LAT Program ($1,000 Completed 1st year, $1,000 Completed 2nd year).
A student may apply after the conclusion of the most recent academic year, and applications shall include a single PDF as an attachment (not a link - MAX 5MB), which includes:
Application Letter;
Proof of Permanent Residence in Alberta (Drivers License, Alberta Health Card, Alberta High School Transcript, etc.);
Grades from most recent academic year (unofficial transcripts are acceptable); and
3-5 Samples of work from that academic year in PDF.
Points shall be awarded thus:
25 points - Proof of Residence
25 points - AALA Member in Good Standing
25 points - Portfolio
10 points - Transcripts
Applicants will be ranked highest to lowest
Maximum points shall be given to the highest GPA and then reducing 1 point as you proceed down the pile, equal GPA’s shall receive equal points and numbers shall be skipped (see Sample B)
This annual award is to be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Association by the President of the AALA;
Award recipients may be full, associate, landscape technologist or honorary members of the AALA;
The award recipient is to be selected by a majority vote by the AALA Board of Directors. At their discretion, the AALA Board of Directors may request the membership to nominate award recipients.
Completed applications can be emailed to as a PDF(s) by September 20th.
The AALA is pleased two annual scholarships ($2,000 total) to a student attending the University of Calgary, Masters in Landscape Architecture Program ($1,000 Completed 1st year, $1,000 Completed 2nd year).
A student may apply after the conclusion of the most recent academic year, and applications shall include a single PDF as an attachment (not a link - MAX 5MB), which includes:
Application Letter;
Proof of Permanent Residence in Alberta (Drivers License, Alberta Health Card, Alberta High School Transcript, etc.);
Grades from most recent academic year (unofficial transcripts are acceptable); and
3-5 Samples of work from that academic year in PDF.
Points shall be awarded thus:
25 points - Proof of Residence
25 points - AALA Member in Good Standing
25 points - Portfolio
10 points - Transcripts
Applicants will be ranked highest to lowest
Maximum points shall be given to the highest GPA and then reducing 1 point as you proceed down the pile, equal GPA’s shall receive equal points and numbers shall be skipped (see Sample B)
This annual award is to be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Association by the President of the AALA;
Award recipients may be full, associate, landscape technologist or honorary members of the AALA;
The award recipient is to be selected by a majority vote by the AALA Board of Directors. At their discretion, the AALA Board of Directors may request the membership to nominate award recipients.
Completed applications can be emailed to as a PDF(s) by September 20th.
The AALA is pleased to provide an annual scholarship (up to $2,000) to an Alberta Resident that is attending any Accredited BLA/MLA Program.
Available to a student from Alberta, who is a member in Good Standing with the AALA and is attending any recognized BLA/MLA program based on academic achievement and portfolio quality.
A student may apply after the conclusion of the most recent academic year, and applications shall include a single PDF as an attachment (not a link - MAX 5MB), which includes:
Application Letter;
Proof of Permanent Residence in Alberta (Drivers License, Alberta Health Card, Alberta High School Transcript, etc.);
Grades from most recent academic year (unofficial transcripts are acceptable); and
3-5 Samples of work from that academic year in PDF.
Points shall be awarded thus:
25 points - Proof of Residence
25 points - AALA Member in Good Standing
25 points - Portfolio
10 points - School Location:
North America (10 Points)
International (5 Points)
10 points - Transcripts
Applicants will be ranked highest to lowest
Maximum points shall be given to the highest GPA and then reducing 1 point as you proceed down the pile, equal GPA’s shall receive equal points and numbers shall be skipped (see Sample B)
This annual award is to be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Association by the President of the AALA;
Award recipients may be full, associate, landscape technologist or honorary members of the AALA;
The award recipient is to be selected by a majority vote by the AALA Board of Directors. At their discretion, the AALA Board of Directors may request the membership to nominate award recipients.
Completed applications can be emailed to as a PDF(s) by September 20th.
The AALA is pleased to offer an annual scholarship (up to $2,000) to an Alberta Resident that has completed a related Diploma/Degree and is going on to attend any Accredited BLA/MLA Program.
Available to a student from Alberta, who is a member in Good Standing with the AALA and will be attending any recognized BLA/MLA program based on academic achievement and portfolio quality.
A student may apply after the conclusion of the most recent academic year, and applications shall include a single PDF as an attachment (not a link - MAX 5MB), which includes:
Application Letter;
Proof of Permanent Residence in Alberta (Drivers License, Alberta Health Card, Alberta High School Transcript, etc.);
Grades from most recent academic year (unofficial transcripts are acceptable); and
3-5 Samples of work from that academic year in PDF.
Points shall be awarded thus:
25 points - Proof of Residence
25 points - AALA Member in Good Standing
25 points - Portfolio
10 points - School Location:
North America (10 Points)
International (5 Points)
10 points - Transcripts
Applicants will be ranked highest to lowest
Maximum points shall be given to the highest GPA and then reducing 1 point as you proceed down the pile, equal GPA’s shall receive equal points and numbers shall be skipped (see Sample B)
This annual award is to be presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Association by the President of the AALA;
Award recipients may be full, associate, landscape technologist or honorary members of the AALA;
The award recipient is to be selected by a majority vote by the AALA Board of Directors. At their discretion, the AALA Board of Directors may request the membership to nominate award recipients.
Project: Fort Edmonton Footbridge and Staircase Location: Edmonton, AB Completed: 2009 Firm: EDA Collaborative Inc.