Terrain Magazine - Call For Submissions 2024

We’re Looking for Your Submissions!
Call for Abstracts: AALA Magazine

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Magazine: Terrain, published annually in November
2024 Issue Theme: PROCESS
Contact: magazine@aala.ab.ca
Deadline for Expression of Interest: May 27th, 2024

Inspiration images provided by Margot Kopache

Process implies both a current state of affairs, and also a continuing series of operations or steps that strive toward or lead to a particular result. Process can also be retrospective in a sense of documenting how a process, its evolution, and series of steps, lead to a particular end result. Processes can be natural, artificial, and somewhere in-between.

In the 2024 issue of Terrain, we are seeking past, present, and future explorations of process. To explore the past, we are seeking exceptional firm projects, case studies, site analyses, and other  relevant submissions that highlight and emphasize process. We’ll explore the current state of landscape architecture in Alberta and the processes that define the work we do. We will conduct a survey to understand the design strategies, workflows, and tools that practitioners and students are using or adopting. Through the survey we will also profile the demographics of the profession in Alberta. We invite you to submit ideas, articles, and visual interpretations around what, why, and how landscape architects across the province are contributing to the profession today.

See more details here:
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