Practice Review Committee

The Practice Review Committee reviews and recommends practice policy.  

Landscape Architect Regulation (AR 228/2010)

Practice Review Committee

  • 10(1) The Practice Review Committee is established consisting of 3 landscape architects who are not members of the Board, one of whom must be appointed by the Board as chair in accordance with the bylaws.
  • (2) The members of the Practice Review Committee must be appointed by the Board in accordance with the bylaws.
  • (3) The Practice Review Committee must meet at the call of the chair.
  • (4) A quorum at a meeting of the Practice Review Committee is 3 members.

Powers and duties of Practice Review Committee

  • 11 The Practice Review Committee must, at the request of the Board, inquire into and report to and advise the Board in respect of
    • (a) the assessment and development of educational standards and experience requirements that are conditions precedent to registration as a landscape architect,
    • (b) the evaluation of desirable standards of competence of landscape architects generally,
    • (c) any other matter that the Board from time to time considers necessary or appropriate in connection with the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties in relation to competence in the practice of landscape architecture under this Regulation, and
    • (d) the practice of landscape architecture generally.


Practice Review Committee

  • Peter Spearey (Chair)
  • Peter Alexander
  • Anna Lawrence
  • Matt Sloan
  • VACANT (2) - apply

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