Happy New Year!!!
We are only 4 weeks away from our second ReTree Forum!!! If you haven’t spoke for tickets yet please do so soon as we are already 1/3 sold out! If you need for me to resend you the link for tickets please let me know and I will resend it to you, or let me know that you do want to attend, how many tickets you would like and I can send them to you.
On another note I had previously sent out a link for a pre-forum survey that will help direct part of the forum on February 2nd. Those that have filled it out – thank you very much, to those who haven’t, I really value your opinion and would really appreciate if you could take the time to fill out the survey. I will leave the survey live until January 11.
The link is: http://fluidsurveys.com/surveys/TheCityofCalgaryParks/retree-yyc-forum-survey/
Thank you and I will see you soon!!
Trina Vickery
Program Advisor
Environmental Education, Parks
City of Calgary