Whatever the weather: Resilient responses to Climate Change
March 31 – April 2, 2017 Delta Grand Okanagan Resort, Kelowna BC
The British Columbia Society of Landscape Architects (BCSLA) is calling for presentations and papers for the 2017 Conference, Showcase and Annual General Meeting. Until recently, human beings have generally had a free hand in shaping nature to fit our lifestyles. Consequently, we now find ourselves facing planetary climate change that is not particularly human-friendly. Understanding the capacity of ecosystems and landscapes to cope with change, depending on their history and management, is essential to removing uncertainty from our actions. A good understanding of our vulnerability to climate change, –– is the key to creating resilient communities. We ask, “What kind of world has a place for each of us, and for future generations?”
Through a landscape design lens, invited key speakers will frame the conference theme and sub-themes. Presentations in the four sub-theme formal sessions and a general poster session, will address what we are doing, on the ground, and in our communities.
This Call for Abstracts is open to all BCSLA Members and allies. University students in studies related to the conference sub-themes are also invited. We invite submissions from any area or discipline of landscape architecture, from wide points of view (and especially from interdisciplinary or collaborative perspectives and practices), responding to the conference theme of resilience and the four sub-themes of Mobilizing for: 1) Community Transformation to Resilience, 2) Equitable and Inclusive Livable Cities, 3) Blue-Green Infrastructure 4) A Better Built Environment.
For additional details please log on to http://www.bcsla.org/sites/default/files/BCSLA%202017%20Call%20for%20Papers_FINAL.pdf