We’re Looking for Your Submissions! Call for submission briefs: The Annual Magazine

 Call for submission briefs: The Annual Magazine


Publication: The Annual Magazine, published annually in November

Issue Theme: Places of Memory

Contact: magazine@aala.ab.ca

Deadline for briefs: May 22, 2022 


As part of a new initiative to re-imagine The Annual Magazine, the Publications Committee is redesigning both the content and graphic design of the magazine. The new vision is to showcase and celebrate the voices, ideas, and projects in landscape architecture across Alberta.


Places of Memory

For the first issue of the re-imagined magazine, the Publications Committee wants to look back in order to inform our move forward. As landscape architects, we are often charged with re-designing places to form new memories while responding to, honouring and reflecting on historical and current events. In this issue of The Annual Magazine, we invite you to submit ideas, articles, and visual interpretations around what, why and how we remember our landscapes in order to shape our future. This includes ideas around the evolution of landscape architecture in Alberta, the role landscapes play in framing some of our defining core memories, the preservation of historically significant landscapes, or the (re)creation of landscapes.


Ideas could include:

• Your most memorable experiences of landscape architecture

• What or how have landscapes shaped parts of who you are as a person and/or professional?

• What are the opportunities for landscape architecture to honour existing memories or help to shape new ones?

• What changes have you noticed in the evolution of landscape architecture in Alberta?

• Places of significance to you, from anywhere in the world

• Therapeutic and/or Alzheimer’s gardens • Memorials, including temporary or permanent monuments, or memorial parks

• Showcasing memories of people, places and stories through design

• The evolution of design thinking around the public realm and urban or rural spaces


What to submit

At this time, we are looking for short submission briefs that clearly communicate a concept for a submission. This could take the form of a written paragraph (point form is acceptable), an image with a description, or an expression of interest to be part of a conversation/discussion-style article.

Your ideas may or may not relate to this issue’s theme (Place of Memory), however preference will be given to submissions that relate directly or indirectly to the theme.

Please refer to the list of Article/Content types under the Additional Information below.


How to submit

We invite your submissions! Please send us your submission briefs and we will get in touch with you to discuss how we can include your material.

This call is open to all AALA members and non-members who have constructive and thought-provoking ideas related to the current practice of landscape architecture in Alberta.

Email submission briefs or questions about the submissions process to: magazine@aala.ab.ca 


 Guidelines for submissions

• Deadline for submission briefs is May 22, 2022

• Deadline for final content (including text and visuals) is June 30, 2022

• Visuals: Supply at least one image per article at 300 dpi at 8” x 10” minimum


Why Submit?

• Share your ideas with the larger landscape architecture community in Alberta.

• Contribute meaningfully to a dialogue about current practice and events.


Earn Professional Development Units (PDU’s):

• Articles: 6 Per Completed Article (one Author), 3 Per Completed Article (Co-Author).

• Round Table Discussion/ Interviews: 1 PDU Per 1.5 Hours of discussion.


To view the Call for Submissions in PDF format, click the link bellow.

  AALA Call for Submissions - The Annual 2022

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