Kira Hunt - Landscape Architectural Technologist

Years of experience: 13

Last updated: December, 2023

Career Journey




Career Milestone 1


Career Milestone 2


Career Milestone 3


Future Ambitions

(2012) Landscape Architectural Technologist, NAIT
(2017) Biomimicry Graduate Certificate, Arizona State University

At the City-Region Studies Centre I organized conferences and presentations that attracted landscape designers, urban planners, architects, artists and municipal officials.

At IBI Group I contributed to over 100 landscape design projects including parks projects, heritage structures, LRT transportation corridors, and master planning public space networks.

For the past year I have been learning and experimenting in various mediums including digital design, 3D modelling, machining, & public art. As one of my projects in 2023 I illustrated, wrote, and published Imagining the Self: An art and science exploration of transformation.

Building a business, researching art and science inspired by nature. More here:

Question and Answers

After graduation, what was the first position you had? How did that shape where you are now as a Landscape Architectural Technologist?

After completing the two-year degree at NAIT I was hired by IBI Group. I started out in the office, working on drawings and submissions and cost-estimating - and learning a lot.

Excellent mentors and a diverse team gave me a solid foundation as I became skilled in drafting, 3D modelling, accounting, and systems and worked on a wide range of landscape design projects including heritage projects like Light Horse Park and interpretive planning for Blatchford.

At the same time I grew my personal interest in biomimicry, taking courses and doing little experiments to test ideas and theories. These crafts grew into some of the projects I am doing now: brass mobiles that twist and transform, wire ties inspired by octopuses, a book about transformation.

What is something that surprised you at the start of your career? or What is something that surprises you about being a Landscape Architectural Technologist?

I was surprised by the first real-world CAD drawing I saw - by how complicated it was. Utilities running everywhere, many xrefs organized in many different layers. Layers, and layers, and layers ...but I also loved it. The mathematical exactness and how it can organize messy information into beautiful and useful graphics is incredibly satisfying.

As I shift in another direction, I am sometimes surprised at where my LAT skills show up. Estimating and structural detailing are required for public art submissions; field experience helped me with workshop production and festival lighting installations; project management skills are transferable everywhere.

What are some of your roles and responsibilities?

- Biomimicry art and research
- Wrote and published a book
- Science illustration
- Presentations
- Mentor students
- Install outdoor lighting
- Landscape design
- Product design
- Graphic design
- Website design
- Communications
- Accounting
- Consulting
- Develop systems

What skills do you feel are important to have as a Landscape Architectural Technologist?

- Curious
- Cooperative
- Has good systems

What advice would you give a new Landscape Architectural Technologist?

Develop other skills alongside landscape design. Follow your curiosity.

What are your future goals?

In the coming year I will continue building collaborations with artists, scientists, and change-makers that extend our collective practices and shift thinking about the role of nature and technology in human communities and landscapes.

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