Victor Kallos - Landscape Architect

Works at Kallos LA Design Studio and Victor Kallos
Years of experience: 38

Last updated: April, 2024

Career Journey

1963 - 1979


1971 - 1978

Career Milestone 1

1980 - 1997

Career Milestone 2

1997 - Present

Career Milestone 3


Future Ambitions

Bachelor of Architecture, University of Cape Town | 1963 -1969
Master of Landscape Architecture, University of Manitoba | 1977 - 1979

1971 - 1972 - Denys Lasdun & Partners, London, England
1972 - 1978 - Thornton White & Dyzel, Cape Town, South Africa

1980 - 1990 - Cohos Evamy Partners, Calgary, AB
1990 - 1997 - Lombard North Group, Calgary AB

1997 - 2014 - BKDI Architects / Matrix Landscape Architecture, Calgary, AB
2014 - 2019 - Zeidler Architecture / Matrix Landscape Architecture, Calgary AB
2019 - Present - Kallos LA Deign Studio, Calgary, AB

What interests me the most now is the application of resilient natural infrastructure (designing with nature) using street trees, bioswales, green roofs, living walls, and rain gardens to help manage stormwater while providing a whole range of benefits to the environment.

Question and Answers

After graduation, what was the first position you had? How did that shape where you are now as a Landscape Architect?

My first position was working in a multi-disciplinary firm where I was the only landscape architect. However I was also an architect so I fitted in very well. In addition to doing the landscape design for all the office projects I was also working as an architect. This provided me with a good understanding of how to work as part of a multi-disciplinary team. I believe this was a very important lesson and helped in all my future work. it also provided me with a new understanding of how integral a landscape architect is to to every project.

What are you passionate about as a Landscape Architect?

I have focused my career on long term and master planning studies; urban design guidelines;
commercial and institutional site developments; and the development of innovative approaches for the
integration of Landscape Architectural design principals with Architectural and Engineering practice.
My experience includes extensive design of senior’s care homes including the site and landscape design. Since 1997, I have extensively researched the various aspects of seniors care using evidence-based design approach and have attended numerous Environments for Aging (EFA) Conferences where I have gained valuable insight into the current design approach for senior care communities and their healing gardens. I have also taken part in a virtual dementia tour to more fully, understand who I am designing for.

Tell us about some of the exciting projects you have been a part of.

Esso Research Centre, University Research Park, Calgary, AB
Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, Master Plan, Calgary, AB
Barclay Mall, Calgary, AB
Urban Parks Master Plan - Bow South, Calgary, Alta
Strategic Redevelopment Plan for Intercare Corporate Group
Spruce Meadows Master Plan, Calgary, AB
Destination Africa, Calgary Zoo, Calgary, AB
Panda Passage, Calgary Zoo, Calgary, AB
Drumheller Health Centre Inpatient & Palliative Care Patio & Garden, Drumheller, AB
Taza Park Weaselhead Road Stormwater Manegment Project
Bow Valley Square, Green Roof, Calgary AB
Calgary City Centre, Green Roof, Calgary AB
Eau Claire Tower, Green Roof, Calgary Alberta
St. Michael Care Centre, Roof garden amenity space, Lethbridge, AB
The Renaissance at the North Hill, Landscaped amenity roof garden, Calgary, AB
IBM Corporate Park, Calgary, AB
Coaldale Care Centre Therapeutic Garden, Coaldale, AB
SAIT Master Plan, Calgary, AB
West Island College Master Plan, Calgary, AB
Harmony Sustainable Community, Concept Design, Rocky View, AB
Brewster Bus Terminal, Banff, AB
Sustainable Suberbs Study - City of Calgary, Calgary, AB
Central Park, Banff, AB
Olds College, Land Sciences Building, Interior learning atrium, Olds Alberta
Bethany Didsbury Interior Courtyard Garden, Didsbury, AB
Lethbridge Regional Hospital, Central Atrium, Lethbridge AB
Templemont Affordable and Supportive Housing, Calgary, AB
Hanson Ranch Open Space Design Handbook, Calgary, AB

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