Jonathan Sagi - Landscape Architect

Works at ground cubed - Calgary
Years of experience: 25

Last updated: January, 2025

Career Journey




Career Milestone 1


Future Ambitions

BLA University of Guelph

Landscape Architect (Architecture, Land Planning) - 7 years. United States
Landscape Architect - UMA (AECOM) 20 months
Senior Landscape Architect - Carson McCulloch Associates - 3 years.
Founding Partner - groundcubed (2011) - currently Managing Partner

Continue to develop and invest in groundcubed team members and our work.

Question and Answers

After graduation, what was the first position you had? How did that shape where you are now as a Landscape Architect?

I started work at an Architectural Firm in South Carolina and was exposed to Land Planning, Architecture and Landscape Architecture Projects. The firm also had a design build component and I was able to interact with trades as well and visit construction sites in the role of consultant and design/builder. I had the opportunity to engage with sub-consultants and was able to work closely with Civil and Structural Engineers as well. The office allowed 'moonlighting' and I took that opportunity to take on work of my own.

What does a typical day look like for you?

A typical day has me hoping on many projects, and different points. My job is also centered around operations (business development and administration) so there is never a dull moment. I have the opportunity as well to work alongside a large group with varied talents in a project support and mentoring role. Everyday brings new challenges and excitement and I am very fortunate to get to do what I do, and work with the people I get to work with.

What skills do you feel are important to have as a Landscape Architect?

Open mind, critical thought, no-bias, objective.

What are you passionate about as a Landscape Architect?

That Landscape Architecture is a dynamic discipline, non-static and is the profession that solves the 'unobvious' challenges.

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