Heidi Mapstone - Landscape Architectural Technologist

Works at City of Edmonton
Years of experience: 22

Last updated: September, 2022

Career Journey




Career Milestone 1


Career Milestone 2


Career Milestone 3


Future Ambitions

NAIT Landscape Architectural Technology

Parkland Nursery and Landscape Services Ltd.

Stantec Consulting Ltd.

City of Edmonton

I hope to be able to build a stronger relationship between the City of Edmonton and industry. I want to be able to bring clarity to city expectations and make projects run more efficiently. I would like to see all landscape firms working with the city.

Question and Answers

What is something that surprised you at the start of your career? or What is something that surprises you about being a Landscape Architectural Technologist?

An LAT needs to have an understanding about so many other disciplines in order to ensure designs are developed in a way that meets the original design intent. From Planning to Construction, and every step along the way, an LAT with expirience can make all the differece to a successful project.

What skills do you feel are important to have as a Landscape Architectural Technologist?

A strong understanding of all disciplines is an asset. Undersntading the needs of other disciplines helps with design advocation, coordination, and construciton.

What are you passionate about as a Landscape Architectural Technologist?

Advocating for trees and approriate soil volumes.

Tell us about some of the exciting projects you have been a part of.

I was part of the design team for the Hawrelak wading pool, unfortunately it was never constructed, but the project was so broad - I learned alot about spray parks, pools, architecture, and all the associated disciplines.

I also enjoyed being part of the construction management team for the Aurum bridge and wildlife crossing - it was the most in depth construction project I've seen including a creek realignment and slope naturalization.

Some of the other fun projects have been Blatchford, Muttart, and Lacombe Park Lake.

What advice would you give a new Landscape Architectural Technologist?

When you are working on something - take ownership of it. Make sure you understand each aspect of whatever you are doing - and if you don't understand, be curious and ask! With so many multidiscipline teams, it can be so easy for things to slip through the cracks. The more understanding you have, the more you can infuence the design/construction, and the better the projects will be.

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