Britney Woods - Landscape Architect

Works at The City of Calgary
Years of experience: 9

Last updated: June, 2022

Career Journey




Career Milestone 1


Career Milestone 2


Career Milestone 3


Future Ambitions

Bachelor in Environmental Design, Landscape Architecture - University of Manitoba
Master of Landscape Architecture - University of Manitoba

Landscape Architecture Intern with Stantec Consulting Ltd. in Lethbridge, AB

Junior Landscape Architect with Scatliff+Miller+Murray Inc. in Calgary, AB

Landscape Architect with Stantec Consulting Ltd. in Calgary, AB

To continue to make a positive impact on the landscape for the community.

Question and Answers

After graduation, what was the first position you had? How did that shape where you are now as a Landscape Architect?

I got a summer position with a small landscape company in Ontario where I designed small scale private residential projects.

What is something that surprised you at the start of your career? or What is something that surprises you about being a Landscape Architect?

I was surprised at how much on the job learning was required and the extent of knowledge I needed to gain right away with regards to computer programs, local & municipal guidelines/ specifications/ bylaws that was needed to complete my day to day tasks.

What are some of your roles and responsibilities?

I am responsible for assisting in developing projects within the City of Calgary. I work with internal departments, consultants and contractors to ensure project deliverables align with the project overall goals and objectives, budgets and timelines.

What does a typical day look like for you?

A typical day includes tracking project progress on the various projects I am working on, whether that is in the planning, execution or closing stages. Keeping on top of communications between the various internal and external stakeholders, attending meetings, and going out to site.

What skills do you feel are important to have as a Landscape Architect?

Time management, ability to problem solve (small scale and big picture problems that come up), strong communication, recognize your strengths and weaknesses and collaboration.

What are you passionate about as a Landscape Architect?

I am passionate about being creative and improving the public realm, whether that is solving an existing problem or providing a new amenity for people to use for years to come.

Tell us about some of the exciting projects you have been a part of.

I think all of my projects have been exciting, you are impacting the community with each project. It is exciting to see your design come to life and how the public engages and interacts with something that was once just an idea in your head.

Describe something that you have found challenging as a AALA?. How did you overcome this?

To adapt when things don't necessarily go your way in design and implementation. You won't always have the perfect team, client, budget, timeline, etc. You need to be good at creative problem solving and adapting to make the best with each situation.

What advice would you give a new Landscape Architect?

Try to expose yourself to a variety of projects and get on site and be included in the complete project process as much and as early as you can. Learn from others, it's easy to get in a bubble and forget about work being done outside of the company you work for.

What are your future goals?

To continue to learn and build my passion for landscape architecture and continue to work to provide incredible amenities for Calgary.

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