Strategic Plan
In 2018 the AALA Board of Directors Endorsed a 5-year strategic plan that included 7 strategic Advocacy Priorities.
Download the 2018-2023 Strategic Plan

Strategic Priority #2
Landscape Architecture is properly recognized and included by all levels of Government and Allied Professions.
AALA will create a number of working groups to address key areas of concern.
Key areas of concern include:
- Municipal Standards related to Landscape Architecture.
- Support for or development of a Practice Act.
- Creation of a Schedule B and/or Schedule C similar to BC Legislation.
- Increased access to post-secondary courses for continuing education.
- Promotion of Quality Based Selection (QBS) as the industry standard.
- Work to address the encroachment of Architects and Engineers into Landscape Architecture.
- Ensure Landscape Architects’ work is reviewed by those with appropriate competency.